Letters to the Editor / Errata

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Akulab


Already an eagle-eyed reader has spotted some errors in current issue:
From: <Name withheld to protect the innocent>
To: editor@jasa.acoustics.hut.fi
Subject: Re: JASA Christmas Issue 2004 now out!
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:22:58 +0300

Muchos gracias Editor. A few issues, though, hate to be picky, but:

- Acoustic guitar = Acoustic bass guitar
- Bass guitar = Korean Erlewine Lazer copy (travel size electric guitar)
- Fender Statocaster = Mexican Telecaster copy (poor quality:)
- too few pictures of me!

so, accepted with minor corrections.


Thank you for letter, Professor T. Your comments are noted and appreciated but as everyone knows, accurate and truthful reporting has never been a top priority for JASA. It is the pretty pictures and corporate sponsorship that brings in the big bucks!

As for too few pictures, Professor T shouldn't have drank himself under the table so early in the evening.